We all walk on a road called life. We are born without being asked and we die without our consent. Yet, we are called the masters of our fate.

You are born innocent, start to be nourished and at one point receive the first lesson. The first failure and the first success, the first mistake, the second, the many more. You grow fast into someone you recognize less and less, and by the time you realize, you already have a substantial baggage. Then you go to another stage in which you choose how to behave in a situation, perhaps one which you encountered before and if the first time you did it wrongly, now you have the ability to make a choice. Because when you are facing once again the same situation, you have no excuse in doing better this time. But what if you don’t? Does this actually mean you need to be judged, or that you are having a weak character?
Every day we learn. We learn courage, love, loyalty, friendship, how to care for others and how to build families. Each lesson that we have had helps us to grow and to appreciate things that otherwise would remain insignificant. By giving this meaning to the small things in our lives we are one step closer towards that happiness.
Obstacles makes us stronger and motivate us to move out of our vicious circles, or at least to dare to dream of something better. The lessons received from people, environment, random experiences show us that everything happens has its purpose. The biggest achievement and the most heart-breaking experience.
When you go down the street and notice an elder struggling to cross and you rush to help him, in fact you learned altruism. This is one of the most precious lesson, as there is nothing to expect in exchange. But I would not stick to develop further the term itself, it will be simply too much to say about it and maybe it will create disappointment – according to some studies only children up to a certain age and animals are truly altruistic. But one should never forget that an altruistic gesture brings with it the biggest rewards. The more we manage to gather this satisfaction, the happier and fulfilled we will become.
We also learn through, what at time seem as, punishments. A failed relationship can be very painful yet, you will later come to accept it and when you will build that family, perhaps you will realize how unhappy previously you were. Same goes for your career, when due to circumstances you will lose that job you thought is the best for you. And so on. Nothing happens by accident and from time to time it is good to stop for a moment from your mindless run to understand where you have been wrong and what you can improve.
After all, life does not stop for you and time in ungrateful, passing without mercy. Maybe it is hard to continue living, in its deepest sense, especially in front of hardships. But do it! Because there is so much worth of it and worries will only prohibit you from seeing.
Most likely at one point you will be at crossroads in your life. Dealing with it will not be simple. The way back will be close, while ahead you will face so many roads diverging into unknown. And there’s the power in it! While you own the lessons and the memories of the past, you now have the chance to fully write the white page in front of you. You own the present, here and now.
You are the writer of your story, which is why you are so unique. No answers will come towards you, you will have to make a decision. A decision, without realizing how limited your time is. But isn’t it better sometimes to risk feeling sorry for something that you did, than to regret the abstention?
Life is like an hourglass. A part of it goes with every moment, with every doubt, with every hesitation. Remember that none of us are getting out of here alive.
These crossroads are the symbol of the decisions we have to take. They may symbolize the person with whom we choose to spend our life - who can make our life a paradise or a hell; It may mean a career that you have chosen; The decision to relocate to a different country, or to chase that dream; These crossroads can be an endless pool of options and we have the power to decide whether to let a situation breaking or making us stronger.
Everything happens with a reason, generated by out thoughts and actions. We can choose to see the good from the bad and the beauty around. Behind every lesson we have got, we are the ones who have the power to decide whether or not to take them into account, and how we interpret them.
The excuses are a comfortable option in front of fear. You are the prisoner of your own mind, while you own the freedom. And the irony in all these is that we are born perfect yet, spend our life seeking perfection.
Note: Life as an Hourglass was sent to Immigrant by a dear friend. It conveys some thoughts and feelings gathered over challenging years. Owning a very strong character and an irrational positiveness at times, R is the result of a complex society in which she thrived as a lone child while her mother emigrated to another country. R became an immigrant herself from a very young age.
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